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Trochanteric Bursitis

Hip Bursitis in Asheville

Causes, symptoms & treatments for trochanteric bursitis

Trochanteric bursitis is the inflammation of the fluid sac, or bursa, that cushions the trochanter, or the outer part of the hip. It can cause mobility issues, and it is one of the most common causes of hip pain.

What causes hip pain from trochanteric bursitis?

There are many causes of trochanteric bursitis. Some people develop the condition after a hip injury or surgery. Over time, overusing the joints in the hip with activities like climbing or running up flights of stairs can cause the bursa to become irritated or inflamed.

Incorrect posture is a common cause of trochanteric bursitis. Other conditions like scoliosis and arthritis can affect posture, so individuals with these conditions are at a greater risk of developing hip problems.

Sometimes, the condition occurs as a result of abnormal joint or bone positions in the legs or hips. For example, individuals with two different leg lengths may put more stress or pressure on the area around the bursa, causing it to become inflamed.

What are the symptoms of hip bursitis?

Most of the symptoms of trochanteric bursitis are pain-related. Many people with the condition experience pain when:

  • Walking up stairs
  • Sitting cross-legged
  • Lying on the inflamed side
  • Getting out of a car or up from a chair

It also often feels painful to press on the affected side, and the pain may spread down to the thigh. Other common symptoms include limping, swelling, and redness in the affected area.

Treatment options

Depending on the severity of the pain, trochanteric bursitis can be treated at home or with help from a medical professional. Some effective home treatments include:

  • Ice packs applied to the hip
  • Rest
  • Over-the-counter pain medicines
  • Hip and lower back stretching exercises
  • Using a cane or crutches

If the pain is too severe and cannot be managed at home, doctors can provide corticosteroid injections that decrease pain and inflammation. If the condition causes difficulty walking or moving, physical therapy can help with mobility. In the most severe cases, surgery may be required to treat trochanteric bursitis.

If you want to find out which treatment option is right for you, then you can visit Carolina Hand and Sports Medicine. We will perform a thorough assessment and determine the right treatment for you.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment in Asheville or Valdese

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